If you’ve discovered your identity has been stolen, there are steps you should take immediately to minimize the damage and protect your identity, finances, and credit score. You may want to start by calling your bank and other financial institutions to let them know what’s happening. Setup Alerts At FineMark, we will put an alert …
The Psychology of Cyber Attacks:
How Emotional Triggers are Used to Trick Us
Cyber attackers constantly come up with new ways to trick us into doing things we shouldn’t do, like clicking on malicious links, opening infected email attachments, even giving up our passwords. While all of this may seem overwhelming, most of these attacks share one thing: emotion. By knowing the emotional triggers that cyber attackers try …
Cybersecurity: Understanding Cyber Threats
Miss our virtual event on Cybersecurity: Understanding Cyber Threats? Watch the recording! As we grow more dependent upon technology, digital safety is crucial.
Help! I’ve been hacked! Now What?
No matter how secure you try to be online, there’s always a chance you’re accounts will get hacked! FineMark’s Kim Wargo reviews the signs to look out for and the actions to take if you become a victim of cyber criminals. Interested in more ways to secure your information? Check out these other videos below. …